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Pigeon deterrents: A complete mini-guide

Dissuasori per piccioni WonderPest - Foto di un piccione su una balaustra

Pigeons, despite their common presence in urban areas, can become a serious problem for property owners and building managers. These birds not only litter with their guano, but can also transmit diseases and cause structural damage to buildings. Fortunately, there are several effective solutions to control and prevent pigeon infestation: pigeon deterrents. This guide explores […]

Bird bollards: Solutions against pigeons and starlings

Dissuasori per uccelli WonderPest - Storni, colombi, tortore - Pigeon Free System

earn how pigeons, turtle doves and starlings infest cities and how bird deterrents can help control them. Bird bollards: Solutions against pigeons and starlings Cities around the world are facing a growing problem with the presence of birds such as pigeons, turtle doves and starlings. These birds not only litter buildings and monuments, but also […]

Gull bollards: Managing urban infestation

Dissuasori per gabbiani WonderPest - Gabbiani che atterrano su ul tavolo bar - Pigeon Free System

Explore the causes of seagull infestation in cities and how bollards can help control them effectively. Gull bollards: Managing urban infestation Coastal cities and even some inland urban areas are witnessing a marked increase in seagull populations. These birds, attracted by food waste and the ease of nesting in urban landscapes, can cause significant sanitation […]

Pest birds: Problems and solutions

Volatili infestanti - WonderPest - Specie di volatili infestanti che rappresentano un rischio per la salute e l'igiene

Find out which pest bird species pose a health and hygiene risk and how to manage them effectively. Pest Birds: Problems and Solutions Pest birds are a serious problem for urban and residential areas. They not only litter buildings and monuments, but also pose a threat to public health. This article will explore the most […]

The hygienic problem of pigeons in the city

Problema piccioni in città - WonderPest - Piccione su un monumento in città - Pigeon Free System -

Managing urban bird infestation for a healthier environment A growing problem in the city There is a growing pigeon problem in the city. These birds, although an integral part of the urban landscape, can turn from being harmless visitors into a source of serious health and hygiene problems. These birds, often attracted to urban structures, […]

Pigeon Free Sistem Srl
40065 Pianoro – Bologna – Italy
Via Del Pero, 10
Tel. (+39) 340 62 19 687
P.Iva: 03929291205 – REA: BO – 556646

*Required Information
Tikol T25 (Boxes of 50 running metres)
Tikol T80 (Boxes of 50 running metres)
Tikol T25 (Boxes with 3 rolls for a total of 45 running metres)
Tikol T80 (Boxes with 1 roll for a total of 15 running metres)
Balance B (Boxes of 25 running metres)
*Required Information